1. Daleside substation Rand Water
    Evaluation of feasibility of proposed 88/11 kV 20 MVA substation for Daleside pump station.
  2. Daleside substation Rand Water
    Design and specification for the complete 88/11 kV substation.
  3. Cape Gate
    Complete design, specification and project management of the installation of 1 x 80MVA, 88/33kV transformer bay and various modifications to existing layout.
  4. Cape Gate
    Complete design, specification and project management of the upgrade of 2 x 88kV incomer bays, 1 x 88/33kV transformer bay and 1 x 33kV furnace feeder bay.
  5. Sibanye Gold Kloof 1# 132kV substation
    Study into the technical requirements and financial implications of replacement of existing supply transformers, substation upgrade and distribution network upgrade